Side-Shift Fork Positioners
One forklift attachment that has become popular over time is the side-shift fork positioner. Designed to handle different dimension pallets or other awkward loads, the side-shift fork positioner allows the forklift operator to control and move loads to the left and right. It is ideal for maneuvering through tight conditions and for positioning loads on racks without the need to move the lift itself.

A forklift with a side-shift fork positioner.
(Courtesy: Robert Christopher at
The side-shift fork positioner offers a plethora of benefits that other attachments can’t provide. For example:
• It is capable of shifting loads in tight spaces.
• Allows the forklift driver to precisely move heavy loads.
• Assists in positioning cargo during loading and unloading.
• Center-aligns the fork carriage to forklift pallets.
This particular attachment is available in two different types of installations –- an integral, which the manufacturer of the lift installs; and aftermarket, which the user installs.
The lifting capacity of the side-shift fork positioners is manufacturer rated. The length has not been increased, and visibility is achieved through integral side-shift design and routing of the hydraulic hosing.
The after-market side shift can be installed on a forklift at any time and operates the same as an integral side-shift. The installation of an after-market side shift will lower a forklift’s lifting capacity over time. This occurs because of the heavy weight of the side-shift mechanism, which takes up a certain amount of the forklift’s lifting capacity. Therefore, a forklift equipped with this style of side-shift will not be able to carry as heavy a load as it did without the side-shift fork positioner.
Moreover, aftermarket side shifts alter the load center of the forklift causing it to have a reduced lifting capacity when the load is further out.
It is suggested that if you use an aftermarket side shift, you should consider the lateral stability of the forklift, particularly at height, to avoid tip over.
Side-shift fork positioners are offered with different methods of attachment.
• Load Guard
• Clamping
• “Kissing Forks”
The load guard fork positioner features hydraulic cylinders that attach to the fork tines. It includes an integral load guard to assure that products are not damaged and assists in maintaining load stability.
The clamping fork positioner features clamps between the forks that assist in handling awkward loads including crates, bails, or tires. Clamping fork positioners that rotate are also available. An assortment of fork tines are available that match different load applications.
Normal forklifts feature hydraulically positioned tines that have a small gap between them. The “kissing forks” positioner eliminates the gaps and arranges the tines so that they are touching. This form of side-shift fork positioner is ideal for lifting objects in the center.