Troubleshooting And Repairing A Forklift That Won’t Start

A forklift is like any other vehicle you might drive. At times, there will be a mechanical issue that will spring up that requires you to do a little troubleshooting. If you are mechanically inclined, then you might be able to troubleshoot a simple problem, figure out what’s occurring or not occurring and then take steps to fix it.

One issue with forklifts that can be frustrating for a forklift operator is when the machine doesn’t start. There are a variety of reasons that this could be happening and your troubleshooting skills will figure out in a process of elimination.

Volts-ohm meter.

Volts-ohms meters are ideal for troubleshooting battery problems.
(Courtesy: El Cajon Yacht Club at

These tips are best in finding the most common problems concerning the starter circuit. Actually, an electrical system of a forklift is complex and detailed instructions on troubleshooting a more sophisticated issue is a little more involved. In fact, it would take a small book to reveal every single problem. If you can’t find the problem using these tips, then it’s suggested that you seek the assistance of a professional mechanic.

Easy Trick

An easy trick to use before starting the troubleshoot is to focus on the forklift’s lights. The headlights can give you somewhat of an idea of what is happening with the electrical system. So, turn on the lights and see if they’re on and bright. If the lights are working well, then blow the forklift horn and see if they dim. If the lights didn’t go on at all, then the culprit could be a blown main power fuse, corroded battery terminals, or a loose or a broken ground connection. If the lights go on, but dim when you blow the horn of the lift, then the issue is probably a dead battery or bad battery connection.

Specific Issues

When doing the troubleshoot, consider this. A common start circuit includes a fuse, ignition switch, park brake switch, neutral switch, seat switch, and starter solenoid. Newer forklifts will be more sophisticated and include a brake pedal switch, seat belt switch, mast height limiter switch, dead man switch, and more.

So, your first concern is did the solenoid click when you tried to start the lift? If not, then you need to replace the solenoid. If you heard the click, then check out the other components. Usually, a visual check will expose the problem.

If everything is fine, then turn your attention to the battery.

Use a volts-ohm meter to check the voltage of the battery. A fully charged battery should have about 13.2 volts. If the voltage drops at the battery terminals under a load, then the battery is the problem. Fully recharge the battery and test again. If the battery still doesn’t have a full charge of 13.2 volts, then replace it.

If the battery is working properly, then use a test light and continue moving the lead down the line. This allows you to determine if the voltage drops off and where that occurs.


About Robert J