Considering Battery Charging Stations Power Requirements

With the popularity of electric forklifts, it is essential for fleet managers to have an understanding of the power requirements of forklift battery charging stations. A power station that satisfies power requirements is a safety issue and is important toward the creation of a hazard-free, fully functional working environment.

A warehouse charging station.

Many considerations goes into the creation of an electric forklift charging station.
(Courtesy: dlb Associates Consulting Engineers)

If you have committed your warehouse to at least a few electric forklifts, then it is essential that you have at least one forklift charging station. The charging station should be a dedicated area within the warehouse equipped with the necessary safety features to assure that electric forklifts receive the power requirements they require.

Things to consider when creating a power charging station include:

• Ensuring proper fitting
• Assuring that the warehouse is not damaged
• Access to safety equipment
• Adequate ventilation

Ensuring Proper Fitting

Ensuring proper fitting of charging stations involves the proper mounting of equipment to assure safe, secure use and complete accessibility. To achieve this you must do your due diligence to identify a location in the warehouse that is accessible and that has a wall on which chargers can be securely mounted. Chargers must also be fitted with emergency stop breakers so that the flow of electricity can be stopped instantaneously if or when needed.

The charging stations will also require wires. Be sure that chargers are mounted at the appropriate height and that wires are no longer than a meter in length. This will assure there is no significant tripping possibility when forklift operators are present in the area.

The creation of a charging station also requires space. The area must be able to accommodate multiple charging units. In addition, space of at least 1-meter is required to assure that there is a sufficient gap between forklifts parked in the station getting charged. This will assure that vehicles are easily accessible by the lift’s operator.

Prevent Warehouse Damage

Batteries contain acid that can overflow or leak out of the casing. Be sure that charging stations have a floor that resists the acid so that it won’t be damaged should an accident occur. If acid does get on the floor, it is easy to clean these floors.

Access To Safety Equipment

The area in which the charging station is located should include safety equipment that is easily accessible. There should also be appropriate equipment designed to protect your employees if one should be splashed with acid or comes into contact with acid during the charging process. Therefore, there should be a shower and eyewash station present in the charging area.

The location should also include a fire extinguisher that is suitable for containing electrical fires.

Adequate Ventilation

Warehouse managers should be aware that charging forklift batteries produces hydrogen gas. This gas has no odor and is hard to detect. Moreover, it is extremely dangerous. Prevent the hazard by assuring that the location is properly ventilated. The ventilation process should include a monitoring system that can certify that hydrogen gas levels remain below 2 percent at all times.

Making proper ventilation can take time and effort. You need to build openings and include exhaust fans. However, it is something that you should do. Ventilating the charger area is one of the most important safety features you can include for your warehouse.


Implementing these safety suggestions will assure that your warehouse charging stations remains safe and that the environment is secure for employees who are present in the area.


About Robert J