Filling The Hydraulic Fluid In A Toyota Forklift

The proper level of pressure driven liquid in a Toyota forklift hydraulic system is essential for the lift and guide of a load.
(Photo courtesy of Bahrns ToyotaLift – Serving Central and Southern Illinois)
Liquid pressure is an essential element in the operation of a forklift. Such pressure is used to lift and guide loads. So it is paramount to include the correct level of pressure driven liquid in a Toyota forklift. It is suggested that you change pressure driven oil on the forklift after 1,000 hours of use.
Putting Pressure Driven Liquid Into A Toyota Forklift
Prior to performing the task, check the Toyota forklift operator’s manual for detailed instructions. It will provide you with important information on the water-powered liquid to use as well as the specific fill level of the pressure driven tank. If you can’t find the manual, then it is advised that you use ISO 32 pressure driven oil.
1. Park the Toyota forklift on level ground.
2. Lower the forks of the Toyota forklift until they touch the ground.
3. Set the stopping brake.
4. Turn off the ignition.
5. Locate the water powered supply of the Toyota forklift. It will have a vented fill top on one side and a sight glass or fill measure gauge on the other.
6. Remove the vented fill top.
7. Insert the oil conveyance pump’s release spout in the fill tube.
8. Start pumping the liquid in.
9. Observe the glass fill measure gauge as you pump the liquid into the tank.
10. When the liquid level reaches the maximum fill line, quit pumping.
11. Carefully withdraw the conveyance pump’s fill spout.
12. Use a towel to wipe up any water powered liquid that may have spilled onto the outside of the tank.
13. Exchange the vented fill top with a new one.
*These are not guidelines nor a “Do It Yourself” piece. Always consult with your owner’s manual and a certified Toyota Forklift mechanic prior to any work on your Toyota Forklift. It is strongly recommended to use only certified Toyota Forklift mechanics to service your Toyota Forklift.