Introducing iForks

Sketch of RAVAS’ iFork.
Technology continues to evolve in all aspects of business including the forklift trade. Recently, RAVAS, a forks manufacturer based in The Netherlands with offices in Twinsburg, Ohio, introduced what they are calling the iFork. The new forks are designed and constructed to measure, weigh, and carry loads across multiple logistics and production applications.

iFork at work.
The iForks are wireless and include Bluetooth and lithium-ion battery. It comes in a variety of sizes from Standard 42-inch to 72-inch forks. Highly durable, the forks correct the weight to compensate for the forklift mast tilt. It takes just five minutes to install and fits for positioners and carriages. They can be used on any forklift model regardless of the manufacturer.
The iFork moves, weighs, and measures a load, as it is moving. This improves productivity, efficiency, and revenue.
The iFork connects with the RAVAS indicator and offers real-time data as it lifts and carries loads. No cable is necessary. In addition, within minutes the data can be directly sent from the indicator to the warehouse computer business system via a RAVAS WeightsApp.
The iFork comes in a variety of models including:
• iForks Economy
• iForks 32
• iForks 52
The iForks Economy is an entry-level model that offers accurate weighing on forklifts and includes all the advantages of the other advances series of weighing forks.
iForks 32 resembles a standard forklift fork, but offers standard Bluetooth connectivity with a lithium-ion battery pack. It complies with OIML validation. A model with extra thin forks is available.
iForks 52 is an efficient fork with an accuracy of 0.1% of the lifted load. It also provides a piece counting capability, mast tilt display, intuitive touchscreen and is easy to operate.
The iForks functions include:
• Automatic and manual zero correction
• Gross and net weighing
• 5-digit ID- code entry
• Integrated level correction in forks
• Internal clock
• Tip loading error messages, within logging
• Sleep mode with automatic startup
• Overload protection on mechanical construction
Benefits of the iFork include:
• Five minute installation
• Completely wireless and communicates through Bluetooth
• Fork power supply with lithium-ion compact battery packs
• Digital calibration
• Installs with fork positioners
• Load warning for tip and side loading
• Efficient power management
• Tested 1,000,000 cycles at 125% capacity