New Forklift Replacement Seats an Affordable Employee Benefit

Photo by Dirkgeo (via Wikimedia Commons)
Successful businesses constantly seek ways to reward and recognize employees who work hard and deliver results. Things like paid cash bonuses, comp time, and in-house award programs are effective at both celebrating great employees and motivating their co-workers to work harder.
For many companies, however, these types of rewards simply cost too much. Paying bonuses or other rewards are a great idea but if there currently isn’t a line-item for rewards and recognition programs, it’s usually dead on arrival — especially if the business already is operating on a thin profit margin. It may be impossible to justify the expense to ownership or shareholders without showing a tangible return on investment.
Forklift Replacement Seats — The Ideal Reward
Just because your budget doesn’t have a line item for employee recognition programs or bonuses doesn’t mean you can’t still recognize the best employees. You just may need to be a little creative in your bookkeeping.
For example, while there may not be money in the budget for bonus payouts for line level workers, there probably is an entry for capital expenses or supplies and equipment. What if you earmarked some of that money for new forklift replacement seats? That way you could still give your line levels an actual reward they can use every day — comfortable new seats for their forklifts — while at the same time justifying the expense in the budget.
People who drive forklifts for a living understand the value of having sturdy new seats beneath them. When you spend six, eight, or even ten hours per day “in the saddle”, you feel every broken spring, every inch of worn padding, and each rip and tear in the seat’s surface. New forklift seats offer instant upgrades to drivers’ working conditions that they can benefit from for months or even years to come.
Forklift Replacement Seats — Smooth Ride, Increased Productivity
Try this experiment: Replace just one forklift seat in your fleet and watch what happens. Invariably, the forklift with the new seat will be the one that drivers compete to get every shift. Savvy operators will even show up for their shifts early just so they can get assigned to the lift truck with the new seats. It’s because they understand how important comfort is throughout a long shift.
Buying new forklift replacement seats has the dual benefit of rewarding workers for a job well done as well as increasing productivity through improved comfort and safety. If you want to show your drivers how much you appreciate them while getting more productivity out of your workforce, replacing worn and broken seats with new forklift replacement seats offers a solution that benefits everyone.