Solid Tires Becoming More Popular in Material Handling

RES 550 Solid Tire.
(Courtesy: Camso)
It appears that solid tires are becoming more popular in material handling applications, noted a representative of Camso, manufacturer and distributor of pneumatic, airless and solid tires for forklifts.
The company asserts that compared to a pneumatic tire of the same size, a solid tire on average contains three times the tread rubber. So, the initial acquisition cost is higher. However, by eliminating the potential for punctures, the cost of ownership over the life of the solid tire represents a significant financial savings for fleet owners and managers.

RES330 Solid Tire
According to Camso, pneumatic tires face a constant threat of punctures in material handling applications. The company points out that running over ragged debris or site-specific usage impact damage are the major causes of the punctures. Solid tires avoid the constant puncture threat. There is no need to monitor tire air pressure, which affects both tire wear and the forklift’s overall stability. As a result, the reduction in downtime and maintenance helps to lower the cost of ownership. In addition, the tires are safer for both forklift operators and other on-site workers.
Selecting The Proper Tire
Camso points out that the selection of the right tire is essential. Camso offers a usage intensity calculator at its site that provides information on loading, operating hours, and distance traveled per day and cycle times. Usage intensity reflects the amount of heat stress inflected on the tire by the forklift’s duty cycle. For example, greater travel time and distance will result in increased heat buildup with less cooling time. Meanwhile, heavier loads will increase friction when the forklift is in motion and subject the tires to more machine heat through the lifting cycles.

RES660 Solid Tire
(Courtesy: Camso)
As a result in the rise of their popularity, Camso is offering three models of solid tires including the RES330, RES 550, AND RES 660.
Designed as the longest-lasting tire in the industry, the RES 330 solid tire is designed for low-intensity applications where forklifts operate in confined spaces on an intermittent basis.
The RES 550 Solid Tire offers a wider profile, larger footprint and deeper lugs. The tire includes magnum that is said to be ideal for medium-intensity forklift applications requiring heavier loads, but not 24/7 operation.
The RES 660 Xtreme Solid Tire features performance compounds and low rolling resistance. It is highly resistant to heat in the most intense forklift applications requiring long runs, heavy lifts and minimal idle time.